Principal Heather Dubbeldam speaks on panel at the Interior Design Show

Principal Heather Dubbeldam participated on a panel at the Interior Design Show discussing “The Power of Art in Design”. The panel focused on how art influences design and design influences art, and poses the question, “How can designers, architects, artists, art advisors and curators collaborate to explore different forms of artistic expression in design?”

Heather’s presentation outlines the impact of art in space(making) within our projects, sometimes designing space or particular feature to accommodate a piece of art, and how art then in turn influences the space.

Join this group of creatives and curators exploring the impact of fine art on the human experience of space. Speakers include Joanne Chan (SDI), Architect Heather Dubbeldam, Art Consultant Olivier Fuller, and Artist and Designer John Monteith. Panel moderated by Jutta Brendemuhl.

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