Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Advocate for Architecture Award - Heather Dubbeldam
This award is given to an individual who has contributed to the elevation of architecture in the public realm by means other than the practice of architecture. The award is to recognize the long-term commitment to and support for the profession of architecture in Canada, at the national, regional or local level.
Selecting Heather Dubbeldam for this award, the jury stated that her “numerous contributions to architecture and to the community we serve have been revealed in many ways: in the portfolio of a young but award-winning practice, in her continuous participation in the work of a long list educational and professional advisory councils, and perhaps most convincingly in her leadership of advocacy programs that have effectively raised the level of awareness and debate in the local, regional and national contexts. Her sustained commitment to the profession – on every level of engagement – has been outstanding.”
“It’s great to see an architect of this calibre so committed to the greater good. Heather is a fine inspiration to younger architects and to the community at large.”
“Heather’s nomination was impressive on a number of fronts. She is a skilled professional who has taken the time to advocate for architecture broadly, well beyond the bounds of her own private practice. Her engagement with the TSA in particular, which as been both long-term and extensive, has helped to provide a solid institutional base for that organization to build upon. Her work with the Twenty + Change initiative and her involvement mentoring interns has benefited the architectural community as a whole and specifically addressed the work of a younger generation entering the profession. An excellent example for us all.”