Park(ing) day

Re-imagining parking spaces as people spaces

Park(ing) Day is a global, public, participatory art project that takes place annually on the third weekend of September. Around the world, people temporarily repurpose on-street, boulevard or lot parking spaces and convert them into tiny parks and places for art, play, and activism. Park(ing) Day is part of the broader movement of tactical urbanism that utilizes short term interventions to pilot longer-term strategic changes in the built environment.

Our team coordinates Park(ing) Day Toronto, stimulating, supporting and promoting Park(ing) Day events from other local groups and individuals across the city. We host an annual Park(ing) Day event at our studio’s building, transforming the parking spaces and portion of the street in front of our building with temporary landscaping and activities that engage the local community such as workout classes, yoga, lounging areas, and food carts. The events have been such a success that we have now permanently converted the four City of Toronto boulevard parking spaces into a pocket park. Our team created the Park(ing) Day Toronto website and are currently seeking sponsorship to facilitate an even broader engagement in coming years.

Interested in hosting your own pop-up park activation in September? Reach out to us at



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