Principal Heather Dubbeldam moderates BEAT Leadership Seminar
As Advisory Chair of BEAT (Building Equality in Architecture Toronto), Heather will moderate the morning panel discussion of the day-long Leadership Seminar at Toronto’s Gladstone Hotel on December 3rd. The seminar will feature a distinguished panel of speakers, including:
Vanessa Fong Principal Architect, VFA
Anya Moryoussef Director, AMA
Megan Torza Partner, DTAH
Ilana Altman Co-Executive Director, The Bentway
Cheryl Atkinson Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University & Principal, Atkinson Architect
The BEAT Leadership Seminars aim to expose students and young practitioners to influential leaders in the architectural profession. From sole practitioners to partners in Toronto’s leading design firms, the seminars feature architects and academics who have built successful careers. The talks and subsequent tours highlight the diversity of the profession and provide insights into various career paths in the built environment.
While the event is geared towards women, all are welcome to attend. BEAT’s aim is to facilitate the vital discussions about issues such as pay equity, gender bias, and the challenges of balancing work and family life.